Evolution of Hedgewitch Holistics

I’ve long been interested in and fascinated by natural healing, folklore and mysticism. During my middle and high school years, my parents indulged me in my quest to visit local new age stores on every family vacation we took, searching for crystals, tarot cards, meditation bracelets and incense. My closest friends eagerly joined me in many a tarot card reading and unsuccessful séance. I began reading books on Eastern religions, astrology, dream analysis and – like every teenage girl in the mid-'90s who had seen The Craft – even Wicca. I don’t recall ever wanting to practice witchcraft or become a witch, but for awhile, I was enamored with reading and learning more about these subjects.

From an early age, I became wary of taking medications that would just mask symptoms rather than heal the root cause, and every time doctors accidentally prescribed medicines in the same families as the ones I'm allergic to, it didn't help their case. Again and again, I suffered through debilitating migraines, allergies and sinus infections before finally caving and seeking treatment from a medical doctor as a last resort. When told I should get 21 vaccinations and boosters before my dream trip of backpacking through India, I immediately sought the advice of an herbalist and then set out on my journey armed with vials of Silver Shield and Virginia Snake Root and a bottle of garlic pills. I wasn't sick once during my month-long trip – not even when I drank the tap water or ate the fresh-cut fruits handed to me in the streets and on the beaches.

In the last few years, I've healed my eczema, chronic migraines and digestive tract issues simply by cutting out most grains (with the exception of quinoa and the occasional rice noodle) and completely eliminating legumes from my diet. I’ve had several friends, family members and even people I’ve just met ask me for advice when they discover this, and while I am happy to share my own personal experiences and what works for me, I've never felt qualified to advise others. Last autumn, after listening to my mother rattle off a list of medications she was on for a list of ailments her doctors had diagnosed, I decided to change that. Many of the conditions she described, I knew, could be managed or cured with just a few simple changes in diet. I then spent months researching holistic nutrition programs that could be completed online – as I'm not ready to abandon my beloved city – and would prepare me to become a board-certified practitioner.

This month, I begin my journey under the direction of renowned holistic healing expert Karta Purkh Singh Khalsa. After completing his Nutritional Therapy program, I'll become certified by the National Association of Nutrition Professionals (NANP) and the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP). Before I begin formally taking clients, I'll share some of the things I'm learning, along with helpful tips, recipes, advice and other ideas, through this blog. Later this year, I'll look for case-study volunteers: individuals who want to learn more about how they can heal their own afflictions through holistic nutrition, Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). If this is something that may be of interest to you, please contact me via email: hedgewitchholistics@gmail.com.